The best Music Theater is in Utopia

When we extend the possibilities of theatre, the narrative as such breaks up into hundred of pieces.

The word "Musiktheater" was a new term back in the Sixties. New terms express new viewpoints, and try to clear out the worn-out terms they replace. Music theatre has a particular quality you could call "inflationary", which in fact is one of its virtues. That means that the name has split up into various sub-names – specialisations and specialities, all of which are striving towards the light, each trying to find a new way of using the stage plus text plus music.

One which I would pick out from the bunch is the term "Dekomposition". In the German-speaking world, that word has a more rational touch, a bit like analysing something, and then sticking the pieces back together. In the anglo-saxon world, and the latin one, it points to something more organic. As far as I'm concerned, you need both the rational and the organic…to do anything and to do music for theatre.

Thomas Dézsy and S.F.